Monday, May 30, 2011

Interesting Site

Hey all,
So I haven't been able to take any pictures lately because of rain but I thought I would post a link to a site I found recently that stock piles images, take a look through them and see what you all think.
Here is the link
Photo Alley

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Walking Around

(* Be fore warned this post contains a smorgus board of images)

As I promised here are the images from this past week
These here are from yesterday at my friend's farm

Aren't the Goats cute

These here are from a walk around with my friend, you can see her in some of the pictures with her Pentax film camera.

As well some of these images are for a series I am working on.
If the weather stays nice I may have more pictures for you tomorrow.
Till then keep cool.
-Photo Alley

Monday, May 23, 2011

Photos to Come

Hey all,
So I know it's been a while since I last posted a photo or even a post really but I promise this time tomorrow there will be a post with images from the past week. I've actually been sick and so haven't loaded to photos up yet to my computer but I went out on a "Let's get lost" tour with a friend and and took some shots, then today I went out to a friend's farm and took some pictures of the goat's and kid's very cute I must say. However from these 2 trips I've come back with 4 black fly bites and 5 mosquito ones, they are not fun.
Till tomorrow
-Photo Alley

Friday, May 13, 2011

Another Place, Another Great Meal

Hello all,
Today I went into the Toronto area to pick up my brother from his plane ride. Now his plane wasn't coming in till really late so we didn't eat dinner before leaving to get him and therefore went out for dinner. We decided on "Kelsey's" and boy was I pleasantly surprised. When I got there I did the regular routine of letting the waitstaff know about my Celiac's and what I was hoping to order and could she confirm before I truely ordered that it was safe to eat. She later came back with a printed list of all their menu items in a grid like thing and this list was actually an allergy check list. She told me that she was almost positive the meal was alright but if I wanted to look at this allergy guide myself for more reassurance I was more then welcome and also she let us keep it at the table so that when I was thinking of ordering anything else I had a handy guide right there to let me know that "Hey no the fries were not safe" but "Hey the mashed potatoes were". As well the meal was deliscious and the waitress came by after to make sure everything was alright and we let her know how wonderful she made us feel for taking such good care of us and my allergy, where upon she mentioned that she gets a little nervous around allergies and likes to double and triple check to make sure the meal is safe. It was a wonderful experience and I loved every bite I ate.

As well while we were there I stopped into a "Henry's" to buy my 60mm micro lens and my mother's day gift to my mom in the way of a 50mm. They too were very pleasant and nice, very helpful. See I have been offered a potential job doing dental surgery pictures so I have been looking into the equipment not only that I want but that I need for the job. It starts in June so luckily I have about a month to accumulate the equipment and test it out. Next on my wish list.... a ring flash and my printer.

Well till next time, which hopefully I will have some pictures, have a great night.
-Photo Alley

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Hey ya'll,
So I said I would hope to have some crochet projects for you done and I do. Not alot but a few, I'm hoping I can get more done after my exhibition and post a giant set of pictures.
so without further ado here are the newest items I have made that will  be for sale in september.
These flowers are just accessories for other amigurumi that I just haven't gotten around to making yet

Here is another water droplet this time though she has a flower 

And these are lip balm cases, they will end up being key chains I just haven't
gone out to buy the key chains.

Anyway have a lovely week and I will hopefully be posting in a few days time.
-Photo Alley