Sunday, June 17, 2012


Hello all,
I know it's been a long time but I have been busy with Photography work and getting ready for the September craft show.
How ever today I saw an opportunity I could not pass up. My mother loves to garden and in one garden there are lilies and just the way they were I had to take pictures so first I did a few quick shots with my phone and then ran and grabbed my camera for some better quality images. Here are 4 of them I hope you enjoy.

I hope to have some images of the latest quilt tops soon along with some shots of the mermaid I finally got around to making.
-Photo Alley

Friday, June 1, 2012


Hello everyone,
I would just like to let you all know I have a booth at Applefest this year and would love to see you all come out and say hi.
I have been procrastinating a little bit so after today I need to gear down and start on making product.
Here are a few tops of the quilts I will be selling along with the crocheted toys:

These are all children's quilts

Here also are some panels that I will be turning into quilts that will also be for sale:

I am hoping to find a few more gender neutral quilt panels or make some neutral tops
to sell before September.

AS for my crocheting here are a few things I have been up to
This bunny has crinkle in it's ears

The new style of dolls I will be selling

2 more sold bunnies

I forgot to mention I also hope to have tons of "Applekins" at Applefest. They were originally inspired by Applefest and therefore I would like to sell some there. The one with a white face happens to be the one I made for my mom last year and the one with the green face is my own. I am still unsure at the moment whether I will offer the smaller version at the show or not, I will keep you posted though.

And lastly here are 3 quilt tops I made for myself that are waiting to be layered and quilted. I also have material for another simple design one made from oranges and blues, and then lastly I will be making a paper pieced Harry Potter quilt, as soon as I start this one I will keep you updated on the progress.

I hope you enjoyed and if you don't here from me often it will hopefully be because I am busy getting ready for Applefest, that is if I don't procrastinate any more.
-Photo Alley