Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Couple Other Crafts

I got an idea from someone on pinterest who I think jokingly said that we should make doctor who watches once the 12th doctor was announced. I thought hey why not, so I made a wall clock, a little bigger than a watch but fun for making my first clock EVER.

The tardis and the start of the clock, it was my favourite paint
job I have ever done. I think I got tardis blue
down pact.

The start of the silhouettes, I started before the 12th doctor was announced

Get more detailed, did some shading and everything.
The 12th doctor was announced and he got added into
the mix with 1 through 11

The final product hanging on the wall,
Yes I had to buy the clock mechanism and hands seperate from the 
plate I used.

My dad helped with the drilling and fitting the mechanisms into the plate, I guessed on the size when I bought all the parts (I was a little off).

I also recently just finished a Peter Rabbit Mobile for a close friend of mine
The whole mobile hanging from my ceiling

Mother goose

Peter Rabbit

The mom and Peter

A different angle of the mobile.

I hope you like the projects (not so much the photos haha) and hopefully to come will be more photographs of my own projects, I have all these ideas finally now I just need to get up off my rump and take some shots.
-Photo Alley

Friday, September 6, 2013

Quinte Rodeo 2013

It's been a long while, I've just been very un productive lately and not really wanting to do anything.
Anyway a few months ago I went to the Quinte first annual Rodeo and here are the images from the 2 day event that I took. I mainly focused on the bull and bronco riding because they were my favourite events. There is very little editing besides crops.

I hope you enjoy the images and maybe I can get my act together and have more for you soon
-Photo Alley