Monday, June 30, 2014

Busy Beaver

All patterns can be found on Fandom in stitches website




Eugene FitzHerbert

My second Project of Doom by Jennifer Ofenstein but with all Fandoms not just Harry Potter

That's it for the night, I have a busy day of sewing tomorrow
-Photo Alley

Monday, June 9, 2014

Wish Necklaces

Here is my latest endeavor:

I call them wish necklaces, each one has atleast one dandelion seed inside.
They are not fully finished yet as I do need to add the necklace part of course as well as a few other charms if it looks okay.
Till next time
-Photo Alley

Saturday, June 7, 2014

6 more princes done

Here are 6 more of the paper pieced princes I have finished by Misha29


Shang- Mulan

Milo Without his glasses- Atlantis

Edward- Enchanted


Prince Adam- Beauty and the Beast

Enjoy your day
-Photo Alley