Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Go Big Or Go Home

So I realized when I was going through my quilt's to see which ones I would put in our quilt show that I hadn't posted an image of the one that I made at retreat in back in September or October. So Here are my latest 2
This is the one from retreat I call it "The Pond",
All the koi and flowers are put on using "Steam a Seam".
This was suppose to be a lap quilt..... it came out twice the size.

This one is an older one I did awhile ago but forgot to 
photograph, it is called "Heart's Desire"

Hopefully in the next couple days I will post pictures of the latest Quilt of Valour I am working on and any other crafts I get done in this coming week.
Till next time.
-Photo Alley

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Crafts Galore

Hello all,
So I haven't gotten around to taking photos of my new christmas scented stuff from Bath and Body but I have been on Etsy lately and I thought I would share some more links with you of some of the cool crafts you can find on there.
This person does a bunch of resin jewellery that I absolutely love

This is a mustache ring by Toxicinjections, very cool in my opinion

Where as Threebirdnest has some really cool accessories to look at.

So when you have some time check it out.

As for my own crafts, I am working on a Quilt of Valour from the Canadian fabric I have so as soon as the top is done I will post a picture.  I also have been thinking about making some cell phone cases to sell I just have to get the logistics figured out and then set up shop, again after I figure out the logistics.

Till next time, keep warm.
-Photo Alley

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Hello friends and family,
Just yesterday I had the chance to photograph a friend's daughter and I think it went quite well. I have to admit I was nervous at first because I usually photograph adults and heard that it can be difficult with children because they get tired or you have less time to shoot them so make it count and all this. I am hear to say I had a wonderful experience, She was a pro she took direction well and we ended up take a full hour and around 600 images in the day. I have gotten permission from my friend and her husband to show you some of the photos we took that day, I hope you enjoy them.

On another note I finally was able to try the Gluten free rice krispies by Kelloeg's and they taste just like rice krispies so I would recommend them if you can get your hands on some.
Till next time I hope you keep warm in the cooling weather.
-Photo Alley

Monday, November 14, 2011

Milk & Cookies

So I recently went up to Ottawa but between visiting friends and feeling ill I wasn't able to go out and shoot, however I got home and tonight I had a click of inspiration from my cookies. So I went and I shot milk and cookies, of course these are gluten free cookies ("Kinnikinnick" chocolate chip cookies) and almond milk ("Silk" True Almond Milk), but still it was fun to shoot so here are 3 edits I just did really quickly of the best images:

 This was my lighting set up, a desk lamp that is fairly powerful and a piece of paper towel as a small reflector.

On another note my parents were out for breakfast at a restaurant that sells and serves gluten free  meals and they brought me home Real Kelleog's Rice Crispy's. Now I haven't had a chance to try them so as soon as I do I will let you know how they taste, but unfortunately right now they are only available in the states, the owners husband brought them up with him from his last visit. Fingers crossed that they come to Canada soon.
That is all for now, my next post will hopefully have some shots of the Lotion, body wash and fragrance my friend got me for my birthday from "Bath and Body Works". They came in a mailbox and I feel they will be just the thing to photograph next.
Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, I hear snow is coming soon.
-Photo Alley

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Walk Around With Cupcakes

****Photo Heavy****

Hello again,
This past week I went down to Guelph to help my brother in law with some of the work he was doing and while there I got to walk around town a bit and take pictures.
Here are the images that I liked the best:

The 3 pictures above are of the Church of St. George

These above pictures are of the Church of Our Lady

@ Exhibition Park

And tonight I decided I was going to make cupcakes for mine and my mom's birthdays so I took out the "Something Good " Cupcake mix and made 2 batches that I then went one step further with and dyed with food colouring. I made both large cupcakes and mini cupcakes.
Here are the pictures of my cakes (yes they are green and purple cupcakes with blue and pink frosting):

They are very delicious

I thought I would also take some pictures of our dinner, 
Butternut squash soup and mashed potatoes with sweet potatoes

And this my friends was the defuser I used on my camera's pop up
flash, an empty margarine container with 3 pieces of paper towel inside.

That is all for now I hope you have a lovely weekend.
-Photo Alley