Thursday, June 10, 2010

Long time to write

Hello all,
It's been awhile since my last post and I have been busy. I started a new design for a new quilt, I finished my recent comfort quilt and will be designing the next soon. Pictures will come soon when I have enough people around so that they can be held for the picture.

As well, even though it has pretty much been raining 24/7 for the past week, or so, I have been able to take a few pictures and when I finally make my way to downloading them to my computer I will post a few up. Like I said rain makes perfect droplets to take images of. As well I am planning a new photoshoot with some friends for next week and hopefully we will get a sunny day to do it on.

And lastly I have been cooking some gluten free recipes. I must say trying the baguette again from the allergy free cook book was difficult and it didn't turn out as nicely as the first time however my dad really liked them. I also have some pictures of my attempts, therefore again when I upload them to the computer I will add them. But I recently bout a new gluten free cook book called something along the lines of 500 recipes you wouldn't know are gluten free. I tried the potato based dinner rolls and a corn based baguette and I will have to say they were good but they didn't taste the way that the writer said they would. Personally to me both kind of tasted like pretzels and well to be frank also kind of had the same look but in a different shape. Oh well they were very easy to make about 10minutes to prepare and then 20minutes in the oven, so if you want a quick receipe that is the way to go. And the last thing I have tried recently to cook was the pizza crust blend from the Bulk Barn and I would just like to say it tasted very doughy and the crust was very thin. but if you like thin crust pizza well this just might be for you.

Happy Days.
-Photo Alley

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