Saturday, July 17, 2010


Well hello everyone it's been about a month. I know I've gotten lazy but this heat is getting to me. Right excuses, however I am sure everyone is feeling this heat lately. It's been in the 30's plus another 10 degrees because of the humidity. It's torture, pure and utter torture. I'm not a fan of hot heat and there fore I stay in side as much as possible. I tried going to the beach on one of these horrible 40 degree days, it was not relaxing, in the water was too cold and out of the water was too hot. I think we lasted a few hours running back and forth between our towels and knee deep water. But enough about that back to crafts.
I haven't been watching much theatre lately. I was hoping to see a black lights show in my hometown but when I found out about it in the paper there was only a day left and I was heading out of town that day. I was very disappointed. I had seen the show a few years ago shortly after they started performing it and loved it but I'll just have to hope it is back next year. This play is done in black light with puppets and all the actors are people with disabilities. The show is both wonderful for children and adults. Like I said I thoroughly enjoyed it the first time I saw it and I'm hoping to see it again.
Maybe some time this month I'll be able to go out and see some theatre.
As well I thought that today you might want to see some of the amigurumi patterns you can either find in books or on the net. I have searched both internet and bought a few books to make the ones I've made. As well I've created a few myself. Enjoy.

This guy I created myself from an image I found from this woman who's book I bought. She had tons of patterns in the book but there was a guy like this on her blog about how to back comb, but of course there was no pattern for him, so with my minimal information on how to crochet I created this guy. And I love him. One day I'll make tons more in multiple colors.

So here you see the fuzzy pink guy again and the one on his left is a koala bear from the book of that woman I was tell you about. Her blog is Roxy Craft. As well I found the blue bunny online as a free pattern. I also absolutely loved creating him.
Now these Three are from the book by Roxy Craft and this is where my obsession started. My sister had a baby girl a year ago and being in school I had to save my pennies so I thought to myself what is a cost efficient way to get her a present. And that's when it hit me while I was in the school store. The amigurumi book. I thought perfect, I can make her something again. For her first toy from me I had created plush baby blocks so this time I thought why not stuffed animals. I did originally have an idea to create a whole farm group of animals and maybe some zoo ones too but after making the pig, I thought uh no. Now maybe I will when she is older.

As I was at school to relax and calm down during stressful times I would crochet so I found a jelly fish online and when I made him I liked him but I thought he would have been smaller (He's the green one). As well I thought that his legs should have been farther in his body like a real jelly fish. Therefore I created the blue on in the back ground. His legs are attached within his body.
I then thought why not make some nintendo guys. I started searching the net for mario brother free patterns and ninja turtles as well as any other video game related character. This was my attempt at a ninja turtle with the wrong colours. He as well is a lot bigger then I thought, I'm still working on making a smaller version of him in the right colours.
Lastly I wanted a cell phone case and I wanted to represent my love of the original nintendo gamer. Therefore I started on this with some help from my knitting book. Yes knitting not crochetting. Anyways this is the first attempt and one day I will refine it so that it actually says nintendo and things like start and stop.

Have a wonderful day.
-Photo Alley

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