Tuesday, December 6, 2011

O the Weather Outside is Frightful....

I was invited to a Christmas party this friday coming up and needed a dress so yesterday I went out and got one that I think will double for many occasions to come, but after buying the dress I thought to myself I need to have a mini self portrait day. Therefore I got out my lighting kit and 5 in 1 reflector that I got from my parents for my birthday and set up a little portrait studio in our freshly painted guest room.
Here are a few quick edits I did:

This was my pretend partying triolgy

My trilogy of  modelesque poses

And this came out of when I was trying to figure out the cropped images I was 
putting all of them together so I would get all the same sized crop
and thought it looked interesting.

I hope you enjoy the photos and hopefully there will be more to come.
-Photo Alley

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