Monday, June 3, 2013

Recent Crafts

I know I haven't poste in a long while but I have been in a funk since starting full time work not in my area of expertise. But I finally was able to get myself into some work and I am hoping it keeps up.
Here are my latest ami's and a repainted monster high doll I did

Draco seems to have pissed off the wrong twins

Draco Malfoy everyone

My doll repaint, she was originally Ghoulia Yelps. I gave her freckles
and different eyes plus I braided her hair, gave her nail polish and I gave her
2 tattoos, a cross on her palm and faith on her wrist

This is a prototype of the cat I did for my OC but in much larger

I hope you enjoy
and I hope I can have more posts for you soon.
-Photo Alley

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