Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Quilts of Valour

Hello again,
I was quilting again today and I finished 2 quilts of valour and am almost finished another.
Here they are:

I hope you enjoyed them.
-Photo Alley

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Quilting I Will Go

Today I decided to be really productive and worked on some comfort quilts.
Here are the images of the 4 I did today:
This one is actually flannel

I figured this one would be good for a little girl

I absolutely loved these panels

I decided to try something different

And below is the owl necklace that I got this weekend with a friend. I absolutely adore it, when I saw it I just thought to my self that is amazing. 

On a gluten free note if anyone lives with a Sobey's near by they may sell "Udi's" bread now as well as some other gluten free products. I know ours does after we talked to them about bringing more stuff in. They now carry Udi's bread, 3 or 4 types of cake and a few other things I haven't tried yet. I let you know more like product name and what I thought about the taste after I try some more.
Have a wonderful week.
-Photo Alley

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Amigurumi here to stay

So today I thought I would be a little productive and work on some amigurumi.
Here is what I came up with:
These are all the small things I made to go on other amigurumi as
accessories and what not.

As well I made these 3 ornaments. For our quilt guild retreat coming
up we needed to make an ornament for the charity tree we 
are doing so I made 3, my favourite is the blue one.

Enjoy the rest of your week and the weekend to come, hopefully I will have more for you soon.
-Photo Alley

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Rose By Any Other Name

Hello again,
As I promised I have the pictures of the roses that I took.
Here are two layouts that I like, very similar but still different, I'm not sure which yet I like better.

As well today I took the Mr. Funny Pattern that I posted about a while back and made a smaller version of him. So very tired hands and 5 movies later I present to you mini Mr Funny

Now to give you perspective of how small he is 
here he is with the regular sized Mr.Funny

As well after making him I realized I probably didn't give you 
a size comparison of the applekins I had made

That is all for now so enjoy your long weekend.
-Photo Alley

Thursday, September 1, 2011

And thanks for all the..... Amigurumi?

Hello all,
It's been a while since my last post and I am sorry, I've been really busy moving my stuff back to my home town and moving my brother out. It has been one giant shuffle of boxes but hopefully I can get back in to posting more regularly and taking more pictures of my own work in the weeks to come.
But first I have new amigurumi to share with you.
These are 2 new fuzzy guys (I really like the yellow one) that I have

As for these 2 I saw a picture of crocheted
chinese lanterns and wanted to try my hand at it
these are my first 2 attempts. I'm working out the kinks

As for my own pictures I do have some flower pictures I took of painted roses but I haven't uploaded them just yet, and today well today is just a crappy day so maybe tomorrow the pictures will come.
Enjoy the rest of your week everyone
-Photo Alley