Saturday, November 19, 2011


Hello friends and family,
Just yesterday I had the chance to photograph a friend's daughter and I think it went quite well. I have to admit I was nervous at first because I usually photograph adults and heard that it can be difficult with children because they get tired or you have less time to shoot them so make it count and all this. I am hear to say I had a wonderful experience, She was a pro she took direction well and we ended up take a full hour and around 600 images in the day. I have gotten permission from my friend and her husband to show you some of the photos we took that day, I hope you enjoy them.

On another note I finally was able to try the Gluten free rice krispies by Kelloeg's and they taste just like rice krispies so I would recommend them if you can get your hands on some.
Till next time I hope you keep warm in the cooling weather.
-Photo Alley

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