Monday, November 14, 2011

Milk & Cookies

So I recently went up to Ottawa but between visiting friends and feeling ill I wasn't able to go out and shoot, however I got home and tonight I had a click of inspiration from my cookies. So I went and I shot milk and cookies, of course these are gluten free cookies ("Kinnikinnick" chocolate chip cookies) and almond milk ("Silk" True Almond Milk), but still it was fun to shoot so here are 3 edits I just did really quickly of the best images:

 This was my lighting set up, a desk lamp that is fairly powerful and a piece of paper towel as a small reflector.

On another note my parents were out for breakfast at a restaurant that sells and serves gluten free  meals and they brought me home Real Kelleog's Rice Crispy's. Now I haven't had a chance to try them so as soon as I do I will let you know how they taste, but unfortunately right now they are only available in the states, the owners husband brought them up with him from his last visit. Fingers crossed that they come to Canada soon.
That is all for now, my next post will hopefully have some shots of the Lotion, body wash and fragrance my friend got me for my birthday from "Bath and Body Works". They came in a mailbox and I feel they will be just the thing to photograph next.
Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, I hear snow is coming soon.
-Photo Alley

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