Saturday, April 14, 2012

Upcoming Craft Show and Extra

Hello everyone,
I have  2 Craft shows coming up.
The first is on the 28th of this month at the Knights of Columbus in Trenton (57 Stella Cr.)
The second is on May 5th at the Patchoulimoon Holistic Health Center, also in Trenton (10 Frankford Cr.)
Please come check them out

To date I have around 26 items made for the shows and still going strong.
Here are a few images of some of the items that you can find at the shows:

As for the rest of my life here are some quilt tops I have made for myself and some images I have taken recently on my phone:
My cat and dog love each other so much that the dog didn't even 
flinch when the cat wrapped himself around his head
to sleep

A quick self portrait I did today after taking the 
pictures of my product

He is in love with the sun and loves to 
lie on his back in it

I bought a bunch of faerie material and made some tops

This one is going to be a double sided quilt

And this will be the other side
This one was originally going to be other other side
of the first top but then I decided I was going to 
sell it as a quilt once I have finished it

Now that you are all updated, please come check out my two up coming craft shows Again the 28th at the Knights of Columbus in Trenton and May 5th at the Patchoulimoon Holistic Health Center also in Trenton.
If you can't make it to the shows please check out my shop  Photo Alley's Creative Haven
Till next time.
-Photo Alley

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