Friday, October 5, 2012

North American House Spider

Hey guys,
I had a Holy Hannimule moment just seconds ago when on the side of our house was a spider close to an inch long. Of course the spider phobic inside of me was freaking out but the photographer in me was excited as all else, of course the photographer won. After taking the pictures me and my dad when and checked online and we are pretty sure it's a common north american house spider but if you see the pictures and say differently let me know. I've seen tons like it around the outside of our house but normally they are at the biggest the size of a dime so I was supprised when I looked over the railing of our porch and saw this:
My dad held a ruler behind it for a size comparison, I think if it was fully stretched out from leg 
to leg it would have been easily 2 inches but it had just started to curl up a bit because we 
hit the web.
A nice show of it's underbelly

This I think is my favourite, if those are it's eyes it looks kinda crazy creepy.

And the back so that we could try and identify it later.

As well a little note from Applefest, I made 11 sales, which I think was okay for my first time out on the street.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures and come back soon.

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