Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Poor Innocent Hands

Hey y'all,
Haven't posted in awhile cause I haven't done anything crafty since the last post really. I needed a break from crocheting and decided my quilts had waited long enough to be binded so I grouped down "Beast's Rose" and started binding the thing off. Did I ever mention to you all how much I hate to hand sew. Well I do and so this was torture, it took me 2 and a half movies to finish over 2 days and by the end my hands were so cramped up and in pain I haven't been able to crochet anything yet. I also still have to bind "Coffee Lounge" but I think that is going to have to wait a while so I can let the hands for get the pain before I tackle that one, it's about twice as large as the other and therefore has about twice as much binding... gah.
I hope that in the next couple days I can post to you some crochet amigurumi if I can pull myself to work on them over the easter weekend, otherwise it too will have to wait.
Till next time, and have a Happy Easter.
-Photo Alley

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