Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cowboys and Country

Hey again,
I know I haven't posted in awhile, I meant to post just after this past weekend but things got carried away and I got sick. See 2 weekends ago I broke my toe and could barely walk. The pain causing me definitely not to want to shoot. Then Canada Day weekend came and I could walk but it still hurt so I didn't shoot much, but I did go to a Cowboy Competition, you can see the penning pictures at the end of this post. Then the week ensued and I still didn't feel great, work was painful, walking was painful, driving was non existant so again no shooting happened. This weekend I was going to get down and finally post the images from the cowboy competition but realized it was my niece's birthday party and went to that instead only to get sick the next day. Therefore the posting was put to the side and I slept, now I feel better and here the post is.

These are just a few shots I took at the Penning Competition:

I'm going on vacation in a week so Hopefully when I get back I will have tons of images for you all.
Enjoy your summer.
-Photo Alley

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