Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Directions

Good Evening,
It's been awhile since I last posted and I have been busy.
I started a part time Photography gig at a dental clinic doing pictures of surgeries, which I must say is pretty cool.
I can't show you any of the pictures though do to confidentiality but I can show you a few pictures I took of my mom's mouth when I was practicing before my first day.

As well for this job I went out and bought a ring flash for my camera, I very much like it. As well I was given a polariod camera for free which I am very excited about, now all I need to do is find some film for it and away we go.

These are my new babies!!!

As for gluten free stuff, the last time I was in Guelph we went to "Portions" and picked up a cake mix and a cupcake mix... we made the chocolate cake into mini cupcakes and lets just say they didn't last. They were so delicious and chocolatey that every time I passed them I grabbed a handful to munch on.
yum yum. 
I took a picture of the other box so you could see the brand:

As well recently my mom was in Guelph again and found me these giants marshmellows (I'd say they are like 3 times as big as normal ones) and she also found 2 of the gluten free Chex cereals in Canada. YEAH!!!! I haven't tried them yet but I will soon.

And lastly I have been quilting up a storm. 
Here are the pictures
This is for a challenge my quilt guild is 
doing for next year's Quilt show. You can't be over 100 inches
in perimeter. Mine comes in at 86.

As well because I can't do anything small (the challenge was hard)
I decided to make my quilt "Heart's Desire" also in black
and white, these are the hearts, I haven't figured out how 
I'm going to piece them together into a quilt.

This here is the left overs from the quilt below that I was
going to make into another scrappy quilt but my dad came up 
with a good idea of making it into a pillow case.

And finally here is "Compass Rose", it's not fully
finished I still need to applique a circle in the middle and of course
get it quilted but I still love it.

I hope everyone is beating the heat and until next time keep cool.
-Photo Alley

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