Saturday, December 15, 2012

Limestone Steak House

Long time no write.
I have been a little busy lately and a little lazy that I have not got around to writing a blog post in a really long time.
But I am back and I hope to post more regularly again.
So this post if you hadn't guessed from the title is about the restuarant/ pub "Limestone Steak House".
The bruschetta with gluten free pizza crust slices
This place is in Cobourg and it was amazing. They had gluten free options galore and the waiter was amazing he was willing to check everything more then once to make sure it was safe and he was willing to change some of the non gluten free menu options to make them gluten free for me. I had a very enjoyable time there. I got the bruschetta with the gluten free pizza crust as the bread and it was cut into triangles, very good. The pizza crust was one of the most amazing I have had in a really long time. The waiter was even willing to check where the restaurant got their supply so that I might go out and find it another time.

Gluten free pizza
Now the crust once it had sauce on it was not as good as the "Udi" version I get but it was still very delicious. I also saved half and it was still good cold.

Lamb Burger Special (not gluten free)
My brother got this option and he said it was alright but there was a strong spice that over powered most of the burger. However it was still good. He said though that the Caesar salad that he got was absolutely delicious. 

Limestone Yorkshire Bowl (not gluten free)
This was my mothers option and her and my brother shared it. they both said it was phenomenal, amazing and filling. I can attest that it smelt amazing  and made my mouth water.

As for the atmosphere. It was pretty great as well. even though it said it was a steakhouse/ pub it looked more like a fine dining restaurant, it had dark wood, ambient lighting and beautiful set up. Here is a picture of our booth

And finally for this post,  I have been trying fairly unsuccessfully to find an alternative to egg nog, due in most to the fact that I am also lactose intolerant and it is not worth the suffering to get regular nog. As I said I had tried very unsuccessfully for years, but this year my mother found me 2 different types, one is an almond nog called noel nog and the other is a soy nog. Both are found in "Sobey's"
As for the taste the Almond one (lactose and egg free) doesn't quite taste like egg nog but it does have all the spices and therefore still tastes festive. There is a lack of egg taste and it is also not as thick. I definitely enjoyed it. As for the Soy one (also lactose and egg free), it definitely tastes closer to what I remember egg nog tasting like, it is thicker then the Almond nog but not as thick as the regular egg nog. It also has a creamier flavour. I also enjoyed this one.
This is the almond bottle, the soy bottle
is red with yellow.

I hope you found my review helpful and I will continue to update you and good gluten free products and places to eat.
-Photo Alley

Friday, October 5, 2012

North American House Spider

Hey guys,
I had a Holy Hannimule moment just seconds ago when on the side of our house was a spider close to an inch long. Of course the spider phobic inside of me was freaking out but the photographer in me was excited as all else, of course the photographer won. After taking the pictures me and my dad when and checked online and we are pretty sure it's a common north american house spider but if you see the pictures and say differently let me know. I've seen tons like it around the outside of our house but normally they are at the biggest the size of a dime so I was supprised when I looked over the railing of our porch and saw this:
My dad held a ruler behind it for a size comparison, I think if it was fully stretched out from leg 
to leg it would have been easily 2 inches but it had just started to curl up a bit because we 
hit the web.
A nice show of it's underbelly

This I think is my favourite, if those are it's eyes it looks kinda crazy creepy.

And the back so that we could try and identify it later.

As well a little note from Applefest, I made 11 sales, which I think was okay for my first time out on the street.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures and come back soon.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A quilting we will go

So I am in a slight made dash panic right now to get everything ready for Applefest with my wonderful mother's help. But we are in the final stages now and so here are some more images of quilts that I have done, these ones will be available at applefest for sale, they are all children's/ baby sized quilts and have flannel on the back:

Noah's Ark

John Deere for a little girl

John deere for a little boy

I hope you enjoy and come out on Saturday to see me at my booth.
-Photo Alley

Friday, September 21, 2012

'Nother Photoshoot

So this is the post for the photoshoot I told you about but couldn't post just yet, well I just got confirmation that I could post it, and I literally mean like minutes ago. I warn you this post will be photo heavy again.
A little about this shoot.... let me see well it was my first engagement shoot ever and I totally loved every second of it, it was for one of my best friends in the whole world which made it more awesome and I had done a shoot for them just the day before their engagement... if you haven't figured it out yet, here are the images:

My favourite ring shot

We had so much fun because we had serious shots, we had fun shots, we had tradition shots, and un traditional shots. And as you can see they had no problem with getting wet.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did when taking them.
-Photo Alley