Monday, February 27, 2012

Quilts to Date

 These are my Quilts to Date


My First Quilt

Serenity's Path

Cypress Lake

Coffee Lounge

Beast's Rose

Compass Rose

Pillow Cover to Compass Rose
Heart's Desire

Wall Hanging Heart's Desire

The Pond

Comfort Quilts/ Quilts of Valour:

A few are missing because I forgot to take pictures of them.
If I see them again I will make sure to take a picture. 
All missing images are from the Comfort Quilt Category.

I hope you enjoyed my summary and I look foward to making many more.
-Photo Alley

A quilting we will go

So I have been busy crafting and I just finished 4 quilts that I thought I would share with you.

All of them are for "Comfort Quilts" and "Quilts Of Valour"

This was made from the scrapes left over from my last
red and white comfort quilt

This was made from the scrapes left over from my
3 quilts of valour a few months ago

And this was a kit of fabric I was give and told
to make a top with it. You can't tell but The blocks
are log cabin in style.

I hope you enjoyed and more will come later this week.
Till my next break.
-Photo Alley

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Goblins Galore

As Promised I did get some crocheting done, just not as much as I would have liked too. I got a little lazy and didn't work as fast as I know I could, or write the pattern as fast as I should but it's done now and the new one will go faster but I thought I would give you a sneak peek at the new goblins I have created.
Sans Wings

With Wings

This guy started out from an image of a "Korbat" from the website game Neopets, however he evolved from there. I started with his hands and absolutely loved them, then I made his body and thought it's a little small but I think it should work. I then continued on with his head and for what I was originally going for it's too small but for what he became it's perfect. Then came his giant ears and his feet, and tail. After that I sewed on button eyes and thought I don't know if I want to add wings... so I took a picture. Next I went and added the wings. I definitely like him with both so I think I shall make a small army both with and without wings. So keep posted for more to come.

As for the past week I forgot to mention that I had been able to get up to see Winterlude and I took a few pictures with my point and shoot and would like to share the sculptures I liked the best.

A close up of the dream catcher

Men sculpting a head

And these were ice sculptures that had been painted
neon colours.

That is all for now, keep enjoying the lovely weather.
-Photo Alley

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's Gluten Free, Gluten Free Everywhere

Hello Everyone,
Long time no post.... Sorry I haven't been posting in a while but I thought to take a break and re group. And while I was re grouping I found tons of new gluten free goodness to share.

For one "Boston Pizza" now has a true gluten free menu, yes you heard right a real menu. So if you are tired of constantly having to look through the allergy book to see if you food is safe or just ordering the pizza because you know it is you now have more options.

So here it is 3 mains, pizza, wings, salad and 2 sides.
Yes wings, however if you choose to get the wings I suggest getting them to bake them twice that way they have a bit of a crust, while if it's done once they aren't that crispy which I don't like. I also opt to have the sauce on the side for optimum crispyness. I also tried the "Worms in dirt" dessert which is pudding and gummi worms, very good.

I then also was in Ottawa for a week and took a trip to "Rainbow Foods", they had quite a few new Gluten Free items for sale so I stocked up and decided to try a bunch of treats.

The first one was 2 chocolate bars by "Kayer", they are called Dark Chocolate Truffle Bars and I got the orange flavour and the Cran Raspberry Flavour. I would have to say they were some of the best chocolate bars I have had, they were very smooth and not as bitter as dark chocolate normally is and the flavour really came through.
Here's a picture:

Then there was a person selling organic tea that I decided to try. It's a company called "Martin and Stewart Teas". I got the Ginger and Cinnamon flavour and the Rooibos Chai. Both are caffeine free which is excellent for me and both tasted great with no sweetner in them or anything else for that matter (I drink my tea's "black"). I do have to say though I like the Rooibos Chai the best it has a great flavour that comes through really well and smells delicious, as for the Ginger and Cinnamon it is also good but the flavour is more subtle and it's a lot spicer then the former, I definitely felt the spice half way through and had to take a break. Both good though if you would like to try them.
Here is a picture of my Ginger and Cinnamon I had earlier in the day:

I also tried "La Maison Canelle" chocolate and raspberry muffins and their mini brownies. 
The muffins were good but I found no raspberries and there was only a slight taste of them in the muffin so I was a little disappointed, maybe I had a dud and the others will have some in them. As for the brownies they were delectable chocolatey goodness in one bite and to my awesome delight they had chocolate chips in them.

And as Dessert today I had "I can't believe it's Gluten Free", a part of the "Sinfully Delicious Treats" franchise, lemon cranberry biscotti. AND "El Peto"'s Lemon tart and Raspberry tart.
The biscotti was wonderful, it had just the right taste to it that I remember from when I was still eating gluten and it dipped perfectly in my hot chocolate. I also tried it with the Rooibos Chai tea and it also went well with that, and I am sure it would go great with coffee I just don't drink it.... As for the tarts I definitely liked the raspberry tart the best, the filling reminded me of jam and it was just a nice sweet, not too over powering but the lemon filling didn't taste right to me, it seemed more like the candies that have a bit of a soapy taste to them. My mom tried the lemon as well and she thought the crust was horrible. I personally didn't mind it, it's not as good as home made crust but what store bought tart is.

I give you the pictures from my dinner, including dessert:
Dinner: steak, beef ribs, broccoli, asparagus and tricoloured potatoes

Dessert the biscotti and hot chocolate

and the 2 tarts.

*All pictures were taking with I phone Camera*

I hope you enjoy and I hope to have some more crafts for you soon.
-Photo Alley