Friday, May 18, 2012

Sharpie Stained

I know I haven't really been on lately but after taking the day to go to the zoo I realized that I had also been neglecting some of my other passions while I was crocheting so I took some more time off and did some quilting and then I also got some new fabric markers from "Sharpie" called Stained and made my self a nice custom pair of shoes. Here are some pictures of everything I have been up to:
3 of the custom bunnies I did

A quick snap shot in the car for my status

The left shoe is aquatic themed, here is the inside shot




The right shoe is more personal so this is the inside

And this is the outside, the reason there is some blurring 
is because 2 of my poems are on it

Geisha #1

Geisha #2

Geisha #3
All the geisha's kimono's are made out of silk

I hope you enjoyed and I hope to better balance my 3 passions a little better in the coming months.
-Photo Alley

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The zoo too

Hello again,
Long time no blog.
As I said here is the post with some quick edits I did:

The gorilla that peered into my soul

Some very interesting jelly fish

As I was going through my images for my last post I realized that I liked a bunch of them and I thought they would be great with quotes so here are those images:
"How frail the human heart must be- A mirrored pool of thought"
-Sylvia Plath

"The pride of the peacock is the glory of God"
-William Blake

"The elephant never gets tired of carrying its tusks"
-African Proverb

"Illision is the first of all pleasures"
-Oscar Wilde

"Man, this guy is so accidentally cool"
-Nestor (Happy Feet)

"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple"
-Dr. Seuss

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive you is Youer than You."
-Dr. Seuss

"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament"
-Oscar Wilde

Again I hope you enjoy them.
Till next time.
-Photo Alley

The Zoo

 ***I warn you now this post is very heavy with photos***
I know I had said that I would be getting back to you with images of a mermaid but I got swamped with orders of bunnies and have not been able to start it yet, however I took a break today and went to the zoo.
Here are some of the images, and by some I mean alot. They are un edited versions:

I wasn't able to get a good shot of the other rhinos

This gorilla actually started to creep me out a bit, there 
was a huge crowd of people and he wasn't paying much
attention to them but as soon as I brought out my camera
his eye's didn't leave mine.

I absolutely love this shot, I'm not sure why but I do

This is the baby polar bear
These two shots are my all time favourite


I hope you enjoyed those ones
My next post will be some edited ones
-Photo Alley