Saturday, May 12, 2012

The zoo too

Hello again,
Long time no blog.
As I said here is the post with some quick edits I did:

The gorilla that peered into my soul

Some very interesting jelly fish

As I was going through my images for my last post I realized that I liked a bunch of them and I thought they would be great with quotes so here are those images:
"How frail the human heart must be- A mirrored pool of thought"
-Sylvia Plath

"The pride of the peacock is the glory of God"
-William Blake

"The elephant never gets tired of carrying its tusks"
-African Proverb

"Illision is the first of all pleasures"
-Oscar Wilde

"Man, this guy is so accidentally cool"
-Nestor (Happy Feet)

"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple"
-Dr. Seuss

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive you is Youer than You."
-Dr. Seuss

"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament"
-Oscar Wilde

Again I hope you enjoy them.
Till next time.
-Photo Alley

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