Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Zoo

 ***I warn you now this post is very heavy with photos***
I know I had said that I would be getting back to you with images of a mermaid but I got swamped with orders of bunnies and have not been able to start it yet, however I took a break today and went to the zoo.
Here are some of the images, and by some I mean alot. They are un edited versions:

I wasn't able to get a good shot of the other rhinos

This gorilla actually started to creep me out a bit, there 
was a huge crowd of people and he wasn't paying much
attention to them but as soon as I brought out my camera
his eye's didn't leave mine.

I absolutely love this shot, I'm not sure why but I do

This is the baby polar bear
These two shots are my all time favourite


I hope you enjoyed those ones
My next post will be some edited ones
-Photo Alley


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