Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Italian Restaurant

Well what a week I've had, it first started out pretty bad, I was sick and mourning my usual comfort food. If your Celiac I'm sure you know what I mean and have probably gone through this stage. But boy has this week turned out well.
First I would like to tell you about some amazing gingersnap cookies. Now since going gluten free I have bought some store made cookies and let's just say they look warm and gooey on the outside but they are actually rock solid, yeah you all know what I'm talking about. Packaging can lie, BUT I recently found a ginger cookie made by MI-DEL where they aren't rock hard, they are fairly soft and actually kind of spicey.. I like them and I thought I would share them with you all just in case you like ginger snaps as much as myself.

But what I really wanted to talk about is PASTA... oh the lovable carby goodness. The stuff that you pretty much say good bye to when you first start out. I thought I would never have a pasta that tasted like pasta again or a bread that tasted like bread.
Boy was I wrong. I would just like to say if you are ever visiting Ottawa go to a little place called CAPRESE, it's just on the outskirts of the Italian district and it's 100% gluten free. I haven't had calamari since my switch and guess what this was the best I had ever tasted. The sauce was perfect and tart, the calamari tender not chewy and lastly you couldn't tell the breading was gluten free.
Then there was the bread... Oh the bread, I could rave about this bread. I read on another blog that one of the things they had to get over was that gluten free bread would never really taste like gluten bread, well guess what guys I found it. Oh it was rip-able, it was soft, it was like a nice dinner roll or a baguette but smaller. They gave me an extra for later. But I understand why so many other's have a hard time making bread, the waitress told us it took the chef 186 different recipes to get the kind we had that night and he was still fiddling with temperature and humidity, and the likes of that. I must say my goal is to make a recipe like that. It was just so brilliant, the waitress even said she has to tell new costumers to not pig out on the bread because the meals are still to come. Oh a true Italian place.
And lastly the pasta... oh sweet pasta, I played it safe and had gnocci but to my surprise the chef came to talk to us because he was actually trying a new recipe out and I would be the first to try it. Let me just say it was amazing beyond words. It was perfect, I don't think you would ever know the place was gluten free except for the giant 100% free sign on the Sign.
It renewed my faith in good tasting carbs. I hope it renews yours.
With that in mind I think I'm going to go have the rest of my left overs from the restaurant, just talking about it makes my mouth water.
-Photo Alley

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