Tuesday, May 11, 2010


What a wonderful day.
I have not been able to post because I have been hard at work designing and creating a new quilt. I normally would have the complete top done by now but I started on a Saturday and shortly after starting realized that I was out of one of the materials and needed to buy more, it being a weekend though had caused me to wait till later this week to buy the new material and then I ran into some problems with it squaring up. But fear not with some help from a master I was able to get it to work and am now just taking a break from putting them together. After the borders are attached I will add some images of this coffee inspired quilt along with the other 2 quilts designed by me.
On another note I have had the same fabric with me for almost a year now and I plan on this week starting to make them into the quilts the material was taken for. I'm talking about the comfort quilts I mentioned earlier. So if I am not heard from for a while please bare with me I am working away on getting some new material up for all to see.
Enjoy your summers and the fine weather.
-Photo Alley

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