Monday, May 3, 2010


It was amazing I must say... there I was sleeping away, exhausted from being sick, not unusual for me especially after only recently being diagnosed with Celiac's. So there I was sleeping when I hear a little put put put, tap tap tap... and then faster thump thump thump taptaptap. I knew that sound like the back of my hand. It was raining extremely hard. I woke up excitedly and looked out my window. It is the joy of rain. I once heard that rain is just liquid sunshine and to me it truly is.
See rain is amazing it is natures real water droplets, you ever see those pictures where there is the perfect rose with water droplets perfectly nestled on the petals. Well guess what you can achieve this look right after a rain storm, a good rain and a little drying after and you have those perfect water droplets. And the smell after a storm makes it pleasant to be out there taking pictures in the wetness.
When I first started getting interested in photography I got obsessed with the droplets made right after the rain, or even if there isn't any rain you can create this look from watering your plants, and I must say it hasn't diminished yet.
I once heard someone from the industry say that they find flower photography quite boring but to me it's a whole lot of nature's beauty. The different plants, the un perfect and yet perfect water droplets, and even the colours. I love the flower photography and I also like seeing how close I can get with that one lens. One of these days I'll get a better lens that will allow me to get even closer.
But back to the rain storms, storms also bring another type of photography that interests me that I really would like to learn, and that is lightning photography. I see these pictures of lightning hits and the lighting up of the sky, and I just love it. I'm sure it's probably similar to that of taking pictures of fireworks but you don't know when the light is coming. Therefore I think this summer that is going to be my goal, learn to take lightning photos.
I'll keep you update.
-Photo Alley

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