Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hello Crochet World

Good day Ladies and Gents,
Like I said in the previous post I was working on a crocheted dude that I saw a picture of. Well let's just say it got a little out of control. I'll let the pictures explain.This was the first.
Then my mom asked if I would make her one for her car after one of our cats thought the safety cone was the best invention I ever made. Her safety cone is now safely in her room away from the cat who appeared to find it where ever it was hidden. Note to any readers with pets- hide your crocheted projects.While picking out my mom's yarn I saw this and thought must make one.Then one of my brothers asked if I would make him one in this orange. It is the same colour as the safety cones and also of "Dude" that he made. *"Dude" is another crochet project I posted in previous posts, there is Dude and Ninja Dude which are mine. As well I taught my brothers to crochet and the one who received this beaded gem made one in orange. I have nick named this guy Creamsicle.
Then I thought well my dad needs one as well to go with my mom's. I think I like this colouring the best, the purple and the green.And lastly I just finished this guy today he is also mine. I liked my dad's so much that I thought I would make one similar, but I couldn't use the purple 'cause I already had a small one that was purple. I therefore thought black would be neat. I debated hot pink eyes and lips but when I went to get the yarn they didn't have the colour in the yarn I had chosen nor did they have any really bright colours. This was the best I could do. I still like it a lot, as well this one is stuffed entirely with polymer beading so he can sit up.

The other ones some have part bead and others are purely stuffing. the stuffing ones are hard to make sit but not impossible as you can tell from the photos. So this is what happens when I have free time on my hands. See I have been sick with a minor case of food poisoning for the past couple days so I couldn't go to work. Well what better way to deal with my time then watch movies and craft. One of the days all I did was sew quilts for comfort quilts. I got 3 done in the day (pictures will come when I can get some people to hold them up for me). I then spent the entirety of the Ocean's trilogy crocheting and then yesterday repeated Oceans 11 and 13 while I crocheted. Finishing today with my black guy who took longer because the needle was smaller and my hands were already cramped from 2 days of the work. I think I'll have to take a break and work on some quilting.
Mentioning quilting I did take a picture of the rose from my rose quilt. Here it is:I'm working away on this quilt, I've been putting it off for a while but I would like to finish it before I go to school. I will post some pictures when I am finally done but that might be awhile.

Have a great day and I'll keep you posted on my adventures.
-Photo Alley

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Photoshoot- Infront of the camera

Hey all,
I forgot to mention I had got a modeling gig for my college and guess what the photo shoot was today. I would just like to say it was pretty awesome to say the least. Definitely different in front of the camera then behind it. I got there bright and early and they started my makeup which by the way was interesting in and of itself. I'd had makeup put on me before for acting and what not but this was profession airbrush technique. So wicked and different. There was about 3 coats put on, blush, eyeshadow all with an airbrush. Like I said pretty wicked. Let's just say it's a different feeling having cold air blow on you which is kind of what it felt like. Did you all ever play with those blow pens when you were kids cause that's definitely the idea hear on the feeling. Anyways the eyes were the coolest part, who knew you could put eyeshadow on with a blowgun? I didn't. As for how it felt like I said it was different and even a little but ticklish especially around the ears. Then my lipstick was applied, eyeliner and finally mascara with a brush. No by far that was the weirdest part because it wasn't a regular mascara brush but a regular (well probably not regular) makeup brush rubbed over the eyelashes. I say this again who knew eyelashes could be ticklish? 'Cause the most certainly are.
After makeup was done, which surprisingly didn't seem to take that long, it probably took longer then it felt though because I looked amazing after, I then went to the studio were the shooting was taking place and was put into some college clothing. Some nice new stuff coming out this fall. And then the modeling began.
I would have to say I think this was one of the best jobs to get because 2 of the people from my class were the photographers and therefore it helped me calm down so much more then if it was a stranger. I had tons of fun and I can't wait to see the pictures.
So if you ever get the chance to model for someone I would say go for it, it's a worth while experience.
I'll leave you with another picture of summer.-Photo Alley

Monday, August 9, 2010

Amigurumi Bug

I believe I've caught the amigurumi bug. Not that I hadn't before but I think I've caught it worse now. For the past couple days I have been crocheting like madness. I am here today to bring you an image of the snake for my dad and the poison dart frog that I made.
This here snake should be longer but I refused to subject my fingers to
65 rows of only 6 stitchs each. I think he turned
out cuter without those extra rounds.
Now I know he's not quite the colour of a real poison dart frog
but I don't really have a large selection here. As well
I like that he is only one colour it makes him blend with his watery
surroundings in nature. Or maybe just my blue Munny.

Now this isn't the only thing I have been up to in the amigurumi world. When I first got into these cute crocheted creations I only had books and I was seeing all these great guys on google search so I went on a quest to find more free patterns. Which by the way if you look you will find tons. I found some for Mario, Luigi, the power star, a mario mushroom, and egg, Bats, octupi, You name it you can probably find it for free. Now the hard part about pattern hunting is the free ones are not always good but if you search hard enough you'll find those real gems that people have so graciously posted for free. However on my search I also came across some pretty awesome looking dudes that either didn't have a pattern or you had to buy the pattern at some ridiculous price, when I came across these little guys I would save the picture for future reference so that maybe when I got good at the crocheting and it came as second nature I could make a creation similar to the images I found, sort of us them like inspiration. These images are similar to keepers that photographers use.
Now I'll go into a little segway. Keepers in the land of photography are images that you save for future reference or for inspiration. They may pertain to the photoshoot you are going to do a week from now or an idea you eventually want to do. These "Keepers" could be anything from magazine articles, ads, other photographs, etc.
Anyway so I call these images of other crocheted goodies my keepers, to serve as inspiration that maybe one day I will be as good as that (a lot of those ones are the ones that are very intricate guys that are maybe an inch high), and also because I think to my self on some of them hey I could do that. Well there was this one really cool guy I found one day on my search who could wink it's eyelids, make it's nose it's tongue and had beads for arms. Well I thought these guys were totally amazing. However I haven't been able to find the person since that day but I am trying to make a guy similar to them. His head is a little smaller, and I can't put his arms on till I find beads that will work but I think I'm doing a pretty good job. When he's finished (hopefully by next week) I'll post an image of the new member to my crocheted world.
I have also made patterns one for a bat, that I haven't tried yet and also a snowman that I saw an image of and thought would be really cute for my mom.
Well I better get back who knows what might pop into my head next.
I'll leave you with another image of summer.-Photo Alley

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Safety Cone and Ninja Dude

So last night was a very sleepless night. I usually try to get to bed around 10pm just to keep my schedule some what normal. But last night I think I was up till 2 or 3 in the morning because my brain would not shut off. have you ever had these days where you decide it is time you get some sleep and all you can do when you go to lye down is think of the things you have to do tomorrow, the things you need to do before the end of 3 weeks, what about what pictures you want to post on the web, new ideas for pictures that you want to take, ideas for your portfolio. Well this was my mind last night I think I got about 5 new pictures I want to take and about 8 new themes that I want to do eventually, actually hopefully this year but depending on the work I get it might not happen as soon as that. So instead of sleeping I went through my pictures and decided which would ones I like enough to add to the net, there is exactly 4 post it notes full of about 4 columns each of the picture numbers and location. It's going to be fun converting them to web size.
But that isn't the point I also downloaded Safety Cone and Ninja, as well as made a very pint sized version of safety cone for you all to witness.

This is of course dude, ninja dude and safety cone.And this is the smaller version of safety cone. I put my finger there so you could get an idea of his size. He definitely was not as frustrating as I thought he would be but still annoying. As well if I ever do it again I either need slightly bigger thread or a smaller crochet hook. This small guy was made with a 2mm hook and the thread you use to make those cool bracelets. If you ever want to try I suggest something like him or something similar that isn't too much work because the more difficult it gets the more frustrated you'll be. I've only ever done one other in this small style and he didn't turn out the way I planned as well I ran out of the colour I was using and had to switch part way to another colour. Let's just say I don't like him right now and will probably make the larger version of him. (He is a spider, the large version will be fuzzy).

As well last night I wanted to make my dad something as well. Like I said I had made my mom a safety cone but I didn't want to make my dad a safety cone cause undoubtedly they would get them mixed up so I thought to myself what out of the patterns that I have accumulated over the past year or so would he like. And I came across a snake pattern. Perfect, that is till I started to make him. The head went fine but the body is around 65 rounds in total. Therefore I shortened him and he looks all cute now maybe only 5 or 6 inches. I'll post a picture of him later when I download my camera again.

And on another note one of the many things going through my head was portfolio themes. If I remember correctly we need to have a theme for our portfolio this year and of course me being me I can't decide on one idea. I have come up with tons upon tons but my problem is I want to do them all. As well I believe our portfolio this year is suppose to represent what kind of work we would like to do in our professional field, well this poses another problem. I am almost positive the portfolios must require people in them and yes I do enjoy some people photography and would love to do it but my main joy is nature photography and flowers. So if anyone has suggestions I'm open to ideas. Of course maybe I'll just pick out of my thousands of themes I've come up with and do one of them instead.

I'll leave you with another image of summer because it looks like it's going to rain today.

-Photo Alley

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer's ending

Hello all,
So summer is coming to a close and I hope that in the few weeks I have left I will be able to complete some of my unfinished projects. I did want to let you all know that I started my rose quilt and have completed my rose. Pictures will follow. I would however like to just say that holy bajeebuz I am definitely not a fan of paper piecing and hope that I can get away with never having to do it again.

As well I made another crocheted "Dude" who is black with glowing orange eyes. Or atleast I like to say they are glowing because against his black furryness they appear to just... for lack of a better word glow. I call him Ninja dude and right now he is sitting with Dude on my desk staring down at me.

Another thing I crocheted was 2 yes say it with me 2 safety cones. I saw a free design for one on my flickr account and thought those are so cute and I loved the story of the person's blog so I thought alright here I go making a safety cone. Well then my mom decided she liked him and therefore I gave it to her and made myself another one called obviously safety cone. Pictures of these two will arrive shortly I hope I just have to get around to downloading the pictures.

I will leave you know with a picture of summer and let's all just hope that the weather stays nice but not to hot and not to cool.

-Photo Alley