Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer's ending

Hello all,
So summer is coming to a close and I hope that in the few weeks I have left I will be able to complete some of my unfinished projects. I did want to let you all know that I started my rose quilt and have completed my rose. Pictures will follow. I would however like to just say that holy bajeebuz I am definitely not a fan of paper piecing and hope that I can get away with never having to do it again.

As well I made another crocheted "Dude" who is black with glowing orange eyes. Or atleast I like to say they are glowing because against his black furryness they appear to just... for lack of a better word glow. I call him Ninja dude and right now he is sitting with Dude on my desk staring down at me.

Another thing I crocheted was 2 yes say it with me 2 safety cones. I saw a free design for one on my flickr account and thought those are so cute and I loved the story of the person's blog so I thought alright here I go making a safety cone. Well then my mom decided she liked him and therefore I gave it to her and made myself another one called obviously safety cone. Pictures of these two will arrive shortly I hope I just have to get around to downloading the pictures.

I will leave you know with a picture of summer and let's all just hope that the weather stays nice but not to hot and not to cool.

-Photo Alley

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