Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Photoshoot- Infront of the camera

Hey all,
I forgot to mention I had got a modeling gig for my college and guess what the photo shoot was today. I would just like to say it was pretty awesome to say the least. Definitely different in front of the camera then behind it. I got there bright and early and they started my makeup which by the way was interesting in and of itself. I'd had makeup put on me before for acting and what not but this was profession airbrush technique. So wicked and different. There was about 3 coats put on, blush, eyeshadow all with an airbrush. Like I said pretty wicked. Let's just say it's a different feeling having cold air blow on you which is kind of what it felt like. Did you all ever play with those blow pens when you were kids cause that's definitely the idea hear on the feeling. Anyways the eyes were the coolest part, who knew you could put eyeshadow on with a blowgun? I didn't. As for how it felt like I said it was different and even a little but ticklish especially around the ears. Then my lipstick was applied, eyeliner and finally mascara with a brush. No by far that was the weirdest part because it wasn't a regular mascara brush but a regular (well probably not regular) makeup brush rubbed over the eyelashes. I say this again who knew eyelashes could be ticklish? 'Cause the most certainly are.
After makeup was done, which surprisingly didn't seem to take that long, it probably took longer then it felt though because I looked amazing after, I then went to the studio were the shooting was taking place and was put into some college clothing. Some nice new stuff coming out this fall. And then the modeling began.
I would have to say I think this was one of the best jobs to get because 2 of the people from my class were the photographers and therefore it helped me calm down so much more then if it was a stranger. I had tons of fun and I can't wait to see the pictures.
So if you ever get the chance to model for someone I would say go for it, it's a worth while experience.
I'll leave you with another picture of summer.-Photo Alley

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