Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hello Crochet World

Good day Ladies and Gents,
Like I said in the previous post I was working on a crocheted dude that I saw a picture of. Well let's just say it got a little out of control. I'll let the pictures explain.This was the first.
Then my mom asked if I would make her one for her car after one of our cats thought the safety cone was the best invention I ever made. Her safety cone is now safely in her room away from the cat who appeared to find it where ever it was hidden. Note to any readers with pets- hide your crocheted projects.While picking out my mom's yarn I saw this and thought must make one.Then one of my brothers asked if I would make him one in this orange. It is the same colour as the safety cones and also of "Dude" that he made. *"Dude" is another crochet project I posted in previous posts, there is Dude and Ninja Dude which are mine. As well I taught my brothers to crochet and the one who received this beaded gem made one in orange. I have nick named this guy Creamsicle.
Then I thought well my dad needs one as well to go with my mom's. I think I like this colouring the best, the purple and the green.And lastly I just finished this guy today he is also mine. I liked my dad's so much that I thought I would make one similar, but I couldn't use the purple 'cause I already had a small one that was purple. I therefore thought black would be neat. I debated hot pink eyes and lips but when I went to get the yarn they didn't have the colour in the yarn I had chosen nor did they have any really bright colours. This was the best I could do. I still like it a lot, as well this one is stuffed entirely with polymer beading so he can sit up.

The other ones some have part bead and others are purely stuffing. the stuffing ones are hard to make sit but not impossible as you can tell from the photos. So this is what happens when I have free time on my hands. See I have been sick with a minor case of food poisoning for the past couple days so I couldn't go to work. Well what better way to deal with my time then watch movies and craft. One of the days all I did was sew quilts for comfort quilts. I got 3 done in the day (pictures will come when I can get some people to hold them up for me). I then spent the entirety of the Ocean's trilogy crocheting and then yesterday repeated Oceans 11 and 13 while I crocheted. Finishing today with my black guy who took longer because the needle was smaller and my hands were already cramped from 2 days of the work. I think I'll have to take a break and work on some quilting.
Mentioning quilting I did take a picture of the rose from my rose quilt. Here it is:I'm working away on this quilt, I've been putting it off for a while but I would like to finish it before I go to school. I will post some pictures when I am finally done but that might be awhile.

Have a great day and I'll keep you posted on my adventures.
-Photo Alley

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