Monday, June 6, 2011

Fraulien's Adventures

 Hello Again,

WARNING..... Loads of Pictures to Follow.......

So these past couple days have been quite beautiful and I hear that it is suppose to stay nice and sunny for the the rest of the week, so fingers crossed.
Yesterday I went out and took some pictures in my mom's garden and here are just a few of the flowers I liked most:

Then today it was so sunny out that me and a friend went to the provincial park again... here are the images I like best:
We were so close to the momma and her babies she 
was hissing at us like crazy.

I unfortunately didn't get the picture of that goose to the right
taking off but I did get him landing.

I think this is my favourite of all the images today.

It was so hot out today in the sun that even this seagull
decided to take a dive in the water, I only had the camera ready on his 
way back out.

And if you hadn't noticed there is a spider in this dandelion.

I hope you enjoy the pictures and maybe I'll have more in the coming days.
-Photo Alley

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