Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ToTo I Don't Think We're In Kansas Any More

Well today was a wonderful day albeit a very warm one. However it turned for the worse around 4- 4:30 today when all of a sudden the sky darkened, see I had been expecting that because the news had mentioned that our area was potentially going to have a thunderstorm. All good but then the wind picked up and it picked up fast. Then my brother came out to me and my mom in the front yard where we were planting some plants and told us we should get inside, the top of  tree in our backyard had broken off, just before we went in a tree down the street broke and almost hit a guy. So in we went to inspect what had happened in the back while simultaneously getting out of the storm. I had been thinking it was just our Hazel Nut tree and nothing big or the tip of one of our pines but oh no almost half the tree was in our yard breaking our deck gate and part of the roof. We are lucky so far that it did not break the windows and hopefully there won't be too much damage after it is inspected. Shortly after getting inside the wind died down almost as suddenly as it had come on and the rain stopped, because of this my mom thinks that maybe it was a mini tornado one that hit our street. Fellow friends of ours let us know that they had trees in their pool and furniture everywhere luckily I haven't heard of any injuries though, but a friend walking by after it all calmed down stated that it really was just our side of the town that had any damage and the other side looked like nothing had happened.
Here are a few pictures I took so that we would have photos of it in case it was needed for insurance to show what we could see.

If you can believe it our barbeque is under all that mess, you
can just see some of it

This is almost the whole seen, to the left what you can't see
is the rest of the tree

This is the tree that they broke from

These are the two ends

The inside to one of the trees

The other tree end

And one of many nests found among the depris.
Keep safe everyone this summer during these crazy weather changes.
-Photo Alley

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