Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sea Shells By The Sea Shore

Well hello once again,
So I warn you in advance this post will have tons of images.

After the rain I went out and took a few pictures of the water drops left on the plants in our garden. Here are my favourite:

None of these images have been retouched as well all of the images were taken with my 60mm micro. I liked these two images of the drops because it is a nice balance between in focus and out.

Then just yesterday it was the most gorgeous day ever. The previous day had been extremely hot and humid, apparently with the humidex it was around 30 degrees.... Just to hot to do anything, but yesterday the wind started and it cooled the weather down a bit so my friend and I decided to go down to our provincial park and take pictures, it was even cooler there and of course there was the sound of the ocean.
Here are the images... be prepared....

The waters were so rough it was amazing

The goose with the head down had been attacking all the other
geese. He created some great shots

Then by the lighthouse the waves crashing were just amazing.
I hope you enjoy the pictures, till next time.
-Photo Alley

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