Sunday, January 1, 2012

Chocolate Cake

Hello one and all,
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year's. I sure did.
My family all came over and celebrated Christmas here at my home and what made it more special was the love and understanding they all have. My mother and I decided this year because of me and my brother we would make a gluten free meal. That way when we were serving food we could have anything and everything. We made the stuffing with "Udi's gluten free bread". We had home made mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes made with "Vegan Becel margarine" and Goat's milk. Then our appetizers were home made white bean dip and veggies, some cheese and crackers and all the crackers were gluten free. In which case we tried a new cracker by "Glutino called Bagel Chips", these were by far my favourite of the night, they remind me of crostinis really. And they went so well with out cranberry and cinnamon soft goat's cheese. If you can find these ones in a store near you I highly recommend them. Now we had the whole dinner made but nothing for desert so we asked our relative's to bring something and we figured if there wasn't anything for me and my brother we would find something around the house we could eat for it. However my Aunt was wonderful, she made a gluten free flourless chocolate cake. I have to tell you this was the best chocolate cake I have ever had. It was moist, it was chocolatey. It was perfection. I would have a picture but unfortunately we ate it all before I thought about that. It didn't even make the night we finished every last crumb. If I can wrangle the recipe from her I am almost positive I will make it every day just for the deliciously goodness of it. Like I said it was nice and moist unlike most gluten free cakes that tend to dry out, it was actually better then I remember regular chocolate cake tasting.
So this cake was the proverbial icing on the cake for my Christmas.
If I find any more recipes for you all to try I will let you know about them.
Till another time,
-Photo Alley

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