Friday, January 6, 2012

Photoshoot of Sale Items

Hello again,
So after I finished up on Etsy and the last blog post, I went and did the photoshoot of the items I am putting in my shop when I get it up and running.
Here are a few of the images I liked best:

If you have bought or buy one of these guys, his tongue can turn
into his nose and you can position his eyelids

Awhile back I made a coupe lip balm holders,
I plan to make a bunch more

This was one of my first attempts at a fish

My favourite part of this guy is his heart

We hung the jelly fish to get their images

We did the same as the jelly fish with the dolls, so you 
could see the full outfit

And this one was taken when I was trying 
to get a lantern shot but I thought it just looked really

I hope you like the shots I took and as soon as the shop is up and running I will let you know.
-Photo Alley

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