Saturday, March 10, 2012

Craft Show

Hello all,
It was my friends birthday last month but I only recently got to see her when she had a trip home. So for her birthday I thought I would do something special and something I love, so I made her a friendship quilt.
This one is mine

And this one is hers

As well I was recently commissioned to do 2 more rabbits so here are the images of the finished product:

They just be chilling out you know.

And lastly me and another of my really good friends just booked our first craft show where we will be sharing a table so if you are in Trenton on the 25th of this month please come check us out it's at the Oddfellows hall at 39 Elgin st.
I hope to see you all there and I hope to get up images of the items I will be selling that day up as I make them.
-Photo Alley

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