Monday, April 5, 2010

Amazing Packaged Pasta

Hello all,
We decided to try the Rizopia 100% vegetable rice Fusilli pasta. I must say it was pretty amazing. Many of the packaged pasta's that I have tried they have come out slimy and needed to be washed before the table was set. But this, this turned out well. So if you don't want to make your own pasta then I would recommend this type of pasta.

As well I have started on a comfort quilt. Now you might be asking what is a comfort quilt. Well where I come from the guild makes quilts that are then given to patients in hospitals for comfort, aka the name comfort quilts. It's all purple when I get it finished I'll make sure to post an image. I realized that I really like to help out with comfort quilts it is very relaxing.

Well I'm signing off for now, I'll keep you up dated on the progress and any other projects I get myself into.
-Photo Alley

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