Thursday, April 8, 2010

Everything but Crocheting

So I realized my first blog entry was a welcome to my first ever blog, my second entry told you about some gluten free products and a quilt I'm working on, then there was photography so I thought it was about time I told you about crocheting. You see I was a knitter first, I've always like crafts and all and my mom has been knitting since I was little so I decided I wanted to start. So began my journey in the craft world, I started with a simple knitted scarf, all the stitches where the same and I just kept going till I thought it was long enough. Since then I have gotten a book on how to knit for younger people, it gives you crafts like a purse, hats, and even a cell phone holder. Well the store that I go to for most of my crafts now in my hometown got in a crochet book, made by the same company as the one that did the knitting so I thought this is cool. This started me on crocheting. I made a really cool hat and some of the flowers from the books when I saw an amigurimi book at a book store and thought those are the cutest little things in the world they would be perfect for gifts.
Now when I start a new craft I get obsessed at the beginning, after figuring out how these things were made with some help from my crocheting book ("Crochet- Learn to crochet six great projects" by Anne Akers Johnson, product of KLUTZ) I started making a bunch of them for my niece, there was a pig, cow, and a lamb. But it didn't stop there I went on the net and found tons of cool patterns for free.
You see if you look hard enough and are willing to find a few crappy things you can find gems as well, like what I did. So then I created some jellyfish and started creating my own patterns. When I get the chance I'll post some images up so you can see what I've been working on.
More latter.
-Photo Alley

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