Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spring has sprung

Hello all,
It was glorious these past few days, it had actually felt like spring had sprung. The birds were chirping, the bees (unfortunately) were buzzing and the flowers were in bloom. This is my time of year to shine, I love flowers and I love to take pictures of them. I went to the gardens of my school and walked around smelling all the different fragrances with my friends and did a mini photo shoot amongst the beautiful scenery, then as the sun was still warm I went back later to do my own photography in the area I feel I shine the most.
I took pictures of small waterfalls, I took images of daffodils and tulips, flowering trees and rocks. I enjoyed it so much and because the light was failing me I went back the next day to grab images more images that I hadn't been able to get the day before.I was going to go back again today and see if anything new had sprung but much to my surprise it was snowing and miserable today, not something I like to be out in. I hope this weather goes back to the nice weather of spring, not to hot and not to cold. The perfect temperature to photography in and the perfect temperature for the flowers to bloom in, to soak up the sun.-Photo Alley

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