Sunday, September 5, 2010

Roses are Red

Well hello again. Sorry it has taken so long to post this but it has been a very hectic few weeks, I ended up having to get a root canal on a tooth that was very infected. The first time I was suppose to go in to get it I was sick and then the second time I couldn't go through with it so I had to wait a week but the medicine they gave me to help me come down made me feel very ill and then when I finally went in and got it done I guess it was very infected so now my tooth is in tons of pain. This is a lesson y'all can learn from me when a dentist says you need a root canal don't wait do it then, it only gets worse with time. And then I moved and have been unpacking for a few days, all do to my procrastination.

Anyways that isn't what this post is about it is about the long awaited Rose quilt and with out further ado here it is:This here is called "Beast's Rose" I made it and then I quilted it myself.
All that is left is putting the binding on.

As well I had made 3 other comfort quilts but just needed to photograph them so here they are as well:This One I had left overs from the borders of another so
I made piano keys in different sizes with them.
This one is from a McCall's Quick Quilts Either May or June I believe
Or even possibly July's. In the one in the magazine
it's suppose to have a frog holding a handkerchief.Lastly there is this one also from McCall's
Quick Quilts (one of the issues above) and I believe
it is called something Jungle because it has
appliqued animals in the blank blocks.

Next time I'm home at my parents I will be quilting up a storm hopefully, that is if there is time. It will be Applefest and speaking of Applefest, after making those dudes with beads for arms my mom thought I should make some in the spirit of Applefest and make them like apples so here is a picture of the first 2.
The one with the green face is mine and the one with the brown face we gave to my dentist for having to put up with me during the attempts of the root canal and being so good about it.
I will be making at least one more and that one will be going to my mother who was the one that inspired me with the idea. I'm going to try and start and finish it either tomorrow or the following weekend so that it is ready when I go home. Wish me luck.

As always I wish you a good evening till I write again.
-Photo Alley

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