Tuesday, January 18, 2011

O' the weather outside is frightful

The weather as you may know by now is in the winter stage, and therefore terrifyingly cold, that is of course if you don't live in a warm climate and if that is the case I wish I were there and not here. Today is a warm day at -10. AND it's snowing again, albeit not crazy snowing but snowing none the less and it is suppose to snow tomorrow. This image reminds me exactly of how this week is going.
This image was taken last year, but it has the potential to represent this year so well. I came across this image while trying to find an image for one of my printing assignments and it frightened me how similar it looks like to this winter so far. A tad scary that we are in the month of snow, the month of cold and freezing. So I thought I would remind you all what it looks like when it is warm. These images also are candidates for the assignment I am working on.

This swan I took pictures of with my mom after a dentist appointment. I like the fact that they are over exposed and clipping in the white, they almost to me look majestic and powerful.

This one is honey, yes I know it is not of the outside but honey makes me think of bees and bees are found in warm weather. As much as I don't like bees I do like honey. I was taking this picture when I thought to myself wow I really haven't taken that many pictures this summer I should walk around and take snap shots. Then I thought wouldn't it be cool to get honey pouring. Well I didn't get it pouring because I was afraid I would spill all over the table but I did get it running down the side which was just as cool.

 This one also is not of the outside but the white and the fact that it is a butterfly reminds me of spring. I also really like close up shots so this is definitely in the running to be the image for my assignment.
And lastly there is this image, a complete front runner in the assignment. I love the colour it makes me think ethereal. Besides that it is abstract and I just love this series I did earlier this year. 

I hope you keep warm this winter, drink lots of hot chocolate and play in the snow as much as possible.
-Photo Alley

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