Thursday, January 13, 2011

Soup for Soul

Why is it that every time your sick you want homemade food? More specifically mom's home made food. This I can't answer but I can say I am sick today and it all started with a headache a few days ago and it is manifesting into nausea and flu like symptoms. Talking to my parents apparently severe headaches can do this so tomorrow, if it lasts, it's the doctor's office for me. But till then I continue to try home remedies, including gingerale, green tea, cold compress, hot water bottle, darkness, sleep and lastly the reason for this post.... soup.
That's right because my parents are not here for them to make me soup but rather at home I am stuck making myself something home made that is of course also gluten free. Now if you are on the gluten free diet or have ever tried getting ready made soup for a gluten intolerant person you know it is very difficult so you have to make it by scratch. I personally like beef soup. This in itself poses the problem of soup base because most soup bouillons I have come across have wheat in them. Therefore through trial and error I have found my go to gluten free soup base it is a company called "Nutrimax" natural foods soup base. They have beef (my favourite), chicken, vegetable and I believe tomato. This is an easy to use powder that makes wonderful soup.
In this post I thought I would share my go to soup as well.

I start with a 2 quart pot and add a small amount of oil, any kind, I personally use canola.
Add to this pot onion, I like onion so I use around half of a medium sized onion. I then chop length wise and cross wise making small cubes, almost like dicing but slightly bigger pieces.
To this I then add finally chopped garlic, around 2 or 3 cloves.. again I also like garlic, however you can add as much or as little as you like.
I turn the stove to around medium heat and let the onions and garlic sweat, stirring occasionally till the onions are soft and slightly transparent.
To this I then add water, I make a pot that is around 4 servings.
Now I turn the heat to high.
To this water I add my veggies. Now my veggies depend on what I have bought of late.
I usually add carrots (cut thin), mushrooms (pre sliced), baby potatoes (quartered) and celery (cut small). As well occasionally I have put radishes that have been julianed, and eggs, I once added snow peas that I broke in half. I think if you added corn it too would go well but I have not tried this before.
I then add spices, this includes salt, pepper and garlic powder (I told you I like garlic). I don't add a lot because the soup base itself also has flavour.
When the water comes to a boil I add 1 tablespoon of the soup base, stir and taste. Depending on the taste I add another tablespoon.
I let it boil for a few minutes more and then it's ready to serve.

Now for this recipe you could use any or all veggies, it depends on what you like or if you are like me what is in your fridge at the time of the soup. As well even though I do not add meat to my soups you can add meat, I find stir fry beef or stew beef the best. You could also use rice instead of potatoes. The possibilities are endless but if you have never made home made soup before this is a good jumping off point.
Now if you are feeling particularly adventures you could try adding gluten free pasta. I have tried and failed every time but you never know it may work for you. It may have been the pasta I was trying to use or it may be my technique, what ever it may be I fail every time I try that combo finding the water to become too starchy and a little slimy. My mom however has made pasta and bean soup nicely many times, she uses thin spaghetti.

In my near future, making another Snorlax as my mom stole my last one for her dashboard... well at my permission. My new one is going to be a creamsicle inspired one. As well a self portrait that requires many images and finally my images for my final portfolio.
Till next time.
-Photo Alley

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