Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Today we learned about text, a little befitting after just finishing reading A Sherlock Holmes novel where he analysis's the writing. Now I know this is different because not only is it computer generated but then we played around with different text tools in photoshop. After that we were given an assignment where we were given words and we were to take 2 and stylize them in a way that represented the words. Well I found it a lot of fun so I did about half the words. I thought I would give you a look at what I did with the words. I hope you can guess what each word is. some are obvious while others are not exactly in the order they are usually written.

I hope you like the images.
Next time I will be adding some pictures that I took at the beginning of the year when I had my Richmond Fair assignment. I posted some but I have been using a set of 6 for most of my work on my website and things to do with my website when they do not need to be portfolio images and therefore with my banner being finished I thought I would let you know the full images.
Keep warm.
-Photo Alley

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