Sunday, December 26, 2010

Gluten Free Pizza

Hello all. I have finally found a gluten free pizza that tastes pretty amazing. We were at Walmart today getting some gluten free cereals and movies when I came across a mix to make gluten free pizza crust. My brother had been saying he really wanted pizza tonight but because we are a mixed gluten free and non gluten free family we haven't been able to find a place that does both good or with out cross contaminating it. I looked at the back and thought hmmm this seems simple and so I picked it up. It is made by "Dunkerken". Now it said to let the dough rise, well the dough never did rise all that much but I'm getting use to the thinnner crusts. This one however was thicker then and gluten free pizza I have had to date. As well the directions called for only 10-15 minutes of backing time, in our oven it took closer to 20minutes and then a few extra to broil the top to make the cheese melt. All in all I give this pizza a 4 out of 5, definitely would by it again.
-Photo Alley
P.S. The photos of the crocheted stocking stuffers will beup as soon as I charge my laptop.


  1. Gluten free pizza crust: GREAT info! Where in Wal-Mart did they have it? Baking aisle?

    Thank you for sharing this.

    Ravelry: leebernstein

  2. I'm not sure which aisle it was exactly, what me and my family do is find the organic and gluten free signs above parts of the shelves and check each time we go for new products. I would however say the best bet to look is in the italian and international aisle if yours has one. As well the walmart we go to is the super store one with the grocery store attachment. I hope you find it
