Monday, December 6, 2010

A Quick Overview of My Portfolio Images

I thought I might just add a small version of my portfolio images for you to view and let me know what you think.
These are with final edits that will be showed at my interview with my teachers.
 This is my Architecture, representing Mount Olympus
 This is an open, representing Poseidon
This is my other open, representing Hades 
This is my food, representing Dionysus
 This is my environmental, representing Ares and Athena
And lastly this is my self portrait, representing Apollo.

I hope you enjoy the images. I personally love my 2 layouts the best, my Architecture and my Food and coming in as a close second is my Self Portrait. I still very much like and am proud of my 2 opens and my Environmental but I am more proud of the other 3 because I didn't think I could pull them off.

I leave you with these for now and hopefully by tomorrow I can post a picture of the Snorlax I am plan on working on.
-Photo Alley

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