Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sleep= Good

Hello all,
I said I would make a Snorlax and I did. Here he is:
I didn't have a beige so the light colour ended up being blue. As well at the time of this picture I had forgotten his toe claws, they are there now but I didn't want to unpack my camera after packing it to take another picture.
I found the pattern for this guy at WolfDreamer's blog This crochet blog has tons of guys from pokemon which if you don't know that is where Snorlax is from. As well as a few other cool guys like the minion from "Dispicable Me".

I made this guy yesterday after I posted my last blog and he is by far the largest crocheted thing I have made, he is about as tall as my hand, about the size of a small teddy bear really. But he was put together pretty quickly and the picture just doesn't do him the justice he needs. This guy however represents the sleep that I desperately need tonight because I have my interview tomorrow and then it's onto a train to start my placement before Christmas. Did I mention I also still need to pack, actually do the interview make it back to my place, change in to winter appropriate travel clothes, pack a good sized amount of food for the long, very long, train ride and make it to the train station on time. I can see the sleep ebbing away from me.

I hope you enjoy your holidays and I will try to post as often as I can.
-Photo Alley

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