Friday, December 31, 2010

Safety Cone Invasion

And here is the much anticipated Christmas Stocking Stuffers
(Be for warned this post is going to be picture heavy)
This here is the safety cone army before it's improvements

These are all the Snow Proof hats
(Back Left: My Brother's Girlfriend, my brother's, mine,
Front Left: My brother's, my brother's, and my niece's) Yes I have
3 brothers.
These are the more intricate ones.
(Back Left: My dad's, My mom's, Mine,
Front Left: My brother in Laws, My sister's and my Friends)

This here is mine, The Mad Hatter
My brother in law is a photographer and my Friend loves music

My brother and his girlfriend's are a match made in snow proof heaven.

A close up of the music nerd

The left one is another friends and the one beside it is her mom's (that
is a pink ribbon scarf) with them are the rain proof safety cone and the miniature
one that sits above my computer.

I re-worked my sisters and my mom's, now the Snowman looks more snowman 
and the surgeon's stethoscope is made better.

Here is the army complete.
That is all for now.
-Photo Alley

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