Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yummy Nummy Goodness

Hello I thought I needed to post this quick little message before I get busy again. I have been in Guelph again and I decided to try a new Gluten Free place. It is a grocery store like shop, this wonderful little place is called "Portions" and is mainly gluten free I think there was only one freezer that wasn't compared to the 7 that were and only 2 items on the floor that weren't. It was a smorgus board of Gluten Free products, I didn't know what to buy. I decided on pepperettes, which to me were good but a little greasy, a shepard's pie which I haven't had yet, hot dogs which I am having tomorrow and sweet potatoe fries as well as perogies to try later. I also got cupcakes which will be my desert tonight. AND the piece de resistance...... FRESH BREAD..... yes you heard it hear the fresh bread tasted like real bread, it was springy it was moist it was fabulous. I tried one slice when I got back home and ended up eating about 5 with nothing on it just for the pure joy of having bread that tasted like bread.
Therefore if you are ever down in the Guelph area go to this quaint shop and check it on out.
Bon Voyage
-Photo Alley

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