Sunday, October 24, 2010

Comfort Food

I was in the need of some comfort food and thought why not make some bar food. You know chicken nuggets, (would have been wings if I had gone grocery shopping) and some onion rings. I tried the recipe from the "You won't believe it's Gluten Free" recipe book (corn based) and I would say nope it didn't work. a few onion rings got coated well, but not having a deep fryer I used a pot with heated oil in it. This however was not the problem, the problem was the fact that the batter was way to thick and sticky and it didn't stick to the onion rings. I'm not sure if I followed it wrong but I had broken onions, I had half covered onions and I had no covered onions. Then by the time I was done and ready to eat them they were cold and I don't mean like slightly warm as if they had just cooled down. No I mean like cold as if I had just grabbed the onion and was eating it raw. I may have to try this recipe again. As well because the frying went so fast I wasn't able to add the extra salt to the outside.
Later this week I will post the adventures of being a tourist and my architectural preliminary photographs.
-Photo Alley

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