Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mutant Ninja Turtles

I haven't really been myself lately and so I thought to myself I should try and do some projects that I have been meaning to do for a while. So I got crocheting, I needed to get my creative juices flowing.
I went home and my mom had bought me a new yarn that was florescent orange, perfect to make another safety coneThe only thing with this guy was that his base though crocheted the same way and is much smaller then previous safety cone. I am not sure if it was the yarn, when I saw the base I thought okay this safety cone is going to be smaller no problem. Well he isn't really but from base to body the proportions are a little off. Seeing as I have tons of the orange I may make another and make a bigger base, who knows. But After making him he looked really bare and as I stared at him day in and day out I thought those eyes are reflective and he is brighter then other safety cone so I made him a hat.Introducing rain proof safety cone. This is just a proto type for the hat. Some days it looks like a rain hat and others it doesn't so I just have to work with my design and see where it leads me. As Well I think I want to get a brighter yellow. But for now New Safety Cone doesn't look so bare.

As well while I was home for thanksgiving my other brother saw my bead guys and asked if I would make him one as well so here he is.
And lastly since having a pattern for a ninja turtle and making my original one that is blue with a pink eye bandanna. I have been wanting to make the real ninja turtles, the Mutant Ninja Turtles. But as I looked at the pattern and the first one I made I thought he was too big so I was going to make some adjustments. Well I may make them again a little bigger then I made these ones but I think they are still cute. Here are the pocket Mutant Ninja Turtles.Aren't they adorable.
Well I leave you with these for now.
-Photo Alley

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