Monday, October 18, 2010

Yummy Yummy Comfort Foods

Recently I have been very sick, I was sick and my tooth had still been aching from the root canal I had done a month ago and therefore my doctor put me on some antibiotics which in turn also made me feel sick, actually a lot sicker. I was in need of some comfort foods so after restocking my very bare shelves with food I looked through my cook books for something chocolatey.
I found in my "You Won't Believe It's Gluten Free" By Roben Ryberg cook book the corn based brownies on page 353 and the rice based chocolate pound cake on page 302. Both wonderfully delicious and very simple. The chocolate cake came out moist un like the last one I made with a different flour base and was a nice chocolate flavour, not too over powering and enough chocolate so you new it was chocolate. The brownies on the other hand, don't have any water or milk just one egg. I thought it was going to be so hard to mix together, you know all these dry ingredients and some margarine (I replace the butter with Becel Vegan Margerine) but it wasn't, it was very easy actually. This recipe was very delicious but tons more chocolatey. Very powerful so I would recommend only have small amounts at a time, it as well was nice a chewy except for the edges which were hard and crunchy. Both a delicious combo and I have been enjoying them for a couple days. I did not however eat them warm, I let them both cool down to room temperature before I tasted them.
Later this week (possibly tomorrow) I will be trying on my own the corn based pancakes. I am excitedly anticipating these. Another note I should mention when it calls for milk I substitute with goat's milk, being lactose intolerant this milk is easier on my stomach, however I it is decidedly very goaty in flavour and not everyone enjoys the taste of it. I would suggest experimenting if you have say something like a milk intolerance or allergy with different milks you like. You never know how the recipe may turn out.

As for photography, I re shot my environmental portrait and here are a few of the results, these are unedited.My teacher thought it would be better if my model playing Ares were wearing army fatigues instead of a suit with bits of army in it. I like both in different ways. As well it was suggested that the scarf look more like what it was suppose to be instead of just a wrap thrown around her shoulders. I definitely like this look better. I will mention it is very hard to light black clothing and caused me great frustration.

And lastly crafting. First about quilting. I designed another quilt to look like a fan, actually I have about 4 more designed quilts one is the fan, then there is also a rose compass one which will be done in blues, a constellation one of one of my favourite constellations, and lastly a heart quilt. I may actually make two constellation ones, one for each of my favourite constellations. Now none of these have actually been made yet or even cut out, but I have told my mom I might just have to hijack one of the sewing machines when I get home for a break. I have most of the colours for the rose compass quilt and it will involve one of my more detested parts of quilting... paper piecing like there is no tomorrow.
And as for crocheting my other brother has commissioned me to make him a beaded dude in blue and purple, as well I want to make a few halloween themed guys from a pattern I just bought to go along with my petite bat. And then I saw a project a person on the net did of a heartless from the video game Kingdom Hearts, and it got me thinking he was soo cute I might just have to try and make him as well. I think it is going to be a lot of trial and error but keep a look out here, I think I might start tomorrow to help stress relieve and will be posting updates.
Keep it real all.
-Photo Alley

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